Show that you pay attention to detail and know how to present visuals professionally.
Cut to the beat of your music if it lends itself to this treatment. Either bake it into your reel as a title placed at the end or include your contact information when you post your video on YouTube, Vimeo, Behance, or your preferred social media platform. Provide enough information (phone number, email address, and website) so that people can reach you. Let people know who you are, whether it’s at the start or end of your reel - or both. Take the time to build a body of work that you’ll be proud to show to strangers, not just your friends and family. If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you’re ready to build your reel. Serious time to find exactly the right audio to showcase your visuals in a professional way. Do you have a soundtrack? A well-done soundtrack can move viewers considerably. You can always expand your reel later with newer work. Consider excluding clips that might not be your very best and go for a shorter reel. Most people will give you a minute of their time to watch your reel but if it runs over two minutes, it will likely lose their interest. Do you have one or two minutes of great material? Keep your reel short.
Are you proud of the work you’ve done? Every frame should present your very best creative and technical work. The work you produce in school will often look like other students’ work, so leave it out. Is the work you’re showing the result of your own creative efforts? Industry professionals can spot material from a class exercise or online tutorial.
Your reel can help convince people you’re the person they want to hire. Emphasizing your unique, creative voice can make you stand out from the crowd. The best reels show not only what you can do, but also who you are.
Whether you’re trying to land your dream job at a major movie studio or impress potential freelance clients, your demo reel is a primary tool for landing good work.